Monday, December 29, 2008

27-28 December 2008 Lion Lynda & Jessie joined Lions Club PJ Metro in their Outing cum December Birthday Celebration to Commonwealth Forest Park & Resort, Rawang.

Monday, December 15, 2008

14/12/2008 Bowling Adventure cum Christmas Party with YMCA Majudiri Teen Deaf Club
at U-Bowl, One Utama, P.J. OC Katherine Yong

Had a really fun, exciting & cheerful project in U-Bowl with members (Lion Lynda with her husband Lion Low CS & their 2 lovely daughters, Jasmine & Esther in one team, Lions Josephine, Jamie & myself in the 2nd team with Lion Poh Ling & Chuah came for moral support.
Most of the players are YMCA members, staff & friends making a total of 14 teams (3 players in a team). We started the game at 2.30pm to 4pm. Light meal at 4.15pm & prize presentation at about 4.30pm. Unexpectedly we were so lucky, winning the 3rd position, the prize is a hamper sponsored by Lion Jamie plus another cash $50 sponsor by the YMCA, but subsequently we all agreed to redonate the hamper to YMCA committee and they in turn donate to the 4th position team.
Majority of them communicated via sign language, therefore the event were very quite but you can feel and see that all of them looks excited & energetic, exception of Lions and our guests, the noisy lot - talking & laughing away.
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